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2017 Schedule F Il-1040 Instructions - Illinoisgov: What You Should Know

Illinois Income Tax Return; Application of Part-year Statute 2017 Individual Income Tax Forms. Attach your 2025 Form IR-7B and any applicable attachments here. Illinois Department of Revenue. Forms and Instruction Sheet Illinois Income Tax Returns (Forms 14, 10, 13 and 13-A) 2017 Individual Income Tax Forms, Attach to your Form RR-17 and Schedule S (or any attached schedules). How do I amend Schedule F?  If you want to amend Schedule F (property taxes only), take an amended Schedule F (Property) to the Department of Revenue. You must mail the required forms and attachments with the Form RR-17, your Schedule I and/or Schedule S to the address below from the  Illinois Department of Revenue, Taxpayer Services Division. You can fax Forms RR-17/RR-S to. Follow the instructions below for specific instructions.  2017 Schedule F and any attachments (Form RR-17) If you want to amend a tax return and/or tax statements, check the box on Page 4 of the Form RR-17 if the tax statement is not already filled, on line 5, at least on page 3, of Form RR-17, and complete the form from there on. If you want to amend a tax return and/or tax statements, do not check the box on Line 3 of Form RR-17. The state will need to know how you intend to file your Form RR-17. Once a Notice of Tax Bill for the year is mailed out, you should file a refund or a credit on Schedule RR-13-A.  Attachments: Form RR-17 (Tax return attachments) 2017 Schedule F and any attachments (Form RR-17)  What if there's no tax bill? If a Form RR-17 is not received within the deadline, it should not be filed with the return because the information on the Form RR-17 is not current enough to identify the true taxpayers (including a spouse who did not file a return). Taxpayers should file Form RR-17 with the correct tax return, which will be the return for the same year. If the information on the Form RR-17 (the Schedule F amendment) is missing or incorrect, the Department will need more information to determine who is the true taxpayer and apply any deductions.

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