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4797 sale of rental property Form: What You Should Know
If I sell a rental property is it still covered by Part III and Part IV of the 4797? Dec 31, 2025 – 3. Generally, you have to make a Schedule C (Profit or Loss From Real Assemblies — Business). But the Forms 1040 and 1040EZ have special provisions that exempt part of the rent amount and how to allocate the selling fee and any other fees or interest you get from the sale of business property. It may be wise to include a schedule C with your original Form 104.5. In case you sell the rental property, do you need Form 4797A along with it? Oct 18, 2025 — The only real change that might change is the fact that if you have Part V of the 4797 for your rental real estate business, that won't change. That is because it is treated as a business investment property by the IRS. If you sell any part of your rental business, you can elect to receive the capital gain or loss. This election can only be made once! So, you have to get an election made on Form 104.5 before you sell any part of the rental real estate. If you do not get the election made on the return you have to get it from the real estate dealer or real estate broker. There are many rules about the form that you must follow when selling rental real estate. You might wish to consult an attorney to get a copy of the rules prior to your selling your rental property. A lot of these rules are set in regulation, see Publication 544. A complete list is shown at IRS Publication 17. It is important to file the right tax return, so don't skip any filing. Remember, that a tax return is only as good as the information in it. You may think that the rules on how to fill out Form 4797 will be different, but don't be surprised if you find the same basic structure is used. You might start to feel comfortable completing Form 4797 if you complete Part III (Profit or Loss From Real Assemblies) as one unit. F4798.pdf — IRS Form 4797. Department of the Treasury. Internal Revenue Service. Sales of Real Estate. Pub. No. 544, Regulation S-K Item 7, Sec. 7071 – 7069.
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