Hey guys, it's Casey with Small Business Millions. Today is December 28th, 2015, and we're almost done with the year. So, I want to get a couple of videos for you guys up before 2016. And I promise you guys in 2016, I'm going to get all the videos, screenshots, samples, and highlights up on all the social media platforms - Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I was a little bit of a slacker on that last year, but you guys still followed us and checked everything out, so I really appreciate that. And everything will be down in the bottom, all the links to all the social media and the website. And if you guys have any questions or comments or anything for us, it'll be down there in my email as well, and you can email me directly, message, comment, whatever you need to do. So, let's jump into today's video. Today's video is about annual resale tax certificates. I'm going to cover two things. I'm going to cover one, how you get a resale tax certificate, and how you use it to buy all of your merchandise tax-free. And I'm going to secondly cover how to properly pay your sales and state sales taxes so you don't get in trouble. So, what is a resale tax certificate? That's a great question. Basically, a resale tax certificate allows you as a reseller to buy a piece of merchandise from another reseller tax-free. You know how when you walk into Best Buy and you buy an iPad for $300, they charge you tax? You're going to pay $320 for the item. Well, what's great is with this tax certificate, if you go into a place of business and present a copy of your sales tax certificate, sign it, date it, and give...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Why Form 4797 Certificates